UCSB SONGS Mitigation Monitoring
The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Mitigation Monitoring Program is based at the Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara.
Long-term monitoring and evaluation of the SONGS mitigation projects is a condition of the coastal development permit issued by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) for the operation of SONGS Units 2 and 3. The Permit requires Southern California Edison (SCE) as majority owner and operating agent of SONGS to design and build mitigation projects that adequately compensate for the adverse effects of the power plant’s once-through seawater cooling system on living marine resources. UCSB scientists working under the direction of the Executive Director of the CCC are responsible for designing and implementing monitoring programs aimed at determining the effectiveness of these mitigation projects. Funding for the SONGS Mitigation Monitoring Program is provided by SCE as a requirement of their coastal development permit for operating SONGS.

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